
Arsonist TERF thinks trans women are immoral & should be beaten

As readers might be aware, the UK media is engulfed in a new and ongoing round of media-created trans panic of the same type that lead to the death of Lucy Medows in 2013. Already, media hysteria coupled with the concern trolling homunculus that is all things...

Are Misogynist, Homophobe, & TERF slurs?

Into the nexus of the ‘gay alt-right feminist’ movement I received notice that an opinion leader in the sex essentialist activist community had linked to one of my articles titled, You Might be a TERF if... The article lists explicit instanc...

Debunked: JoeySalads’ Transgender Bathroom Hoax

Once again, news media around the globe proves that they’ll promote just about anything anti...

On Free Speech, No-Platforming, and the Media’s “Transgender Debate”

While it’s well and good to call out those who denigrate trans people in the media, it̵...

#CisPrivilege, UK’s Green Party and freedom of speech

[su_cwtop] Some of you might remember that Germaine Greer, a TERF the Radical Feminist Andrea ...