This is from this morning’s Scotsman:
This is just the last gasp of a media that can’t seem to let go of tired transphobic tropes surrounding the passage of reforms to the Gender Recognition Act.
We Needs More Time
From the article:
“Nicola Sturgeon could have brought together the calmer heads on both sides of this debate to seek ways to make meaningful reforms while avoiding potential pitfalls. Given the first Scottish Government consultation was held in 2017, there was plenty of time for this to happen.”
“But the First Minister paid too little attention to the issue, dithered and delayed, and then introduced the Gender Recognition Reform Bill, which contains legislation to allow gender self-identification, with open contempt for those raising concerns. “
“After five years, two public consultations, three stages of parliamentary scrutiny, and what feels like endless column inches, we will find out on Wednesday, December 21, if MSPs decide to reform the Gender Recognition Act in Scotland.”
There’s been a thorough investigation. In fact outside of Brexit, I don’t know what’s been given more scrutiny.
People Acting in Bad Faith Will Abuse It
Gender self-ID is the law in 18 countries: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Switzerland and Uruguay.
There’s been no systemic abuse of self-ID in countries it’s passed in. If there were any proof of systemic abuse, it could be considered a “legitimate concern”, but there is none.